Monday 8 October 2012

Production, Distribution and Exhibition - Emma Tovey

We had to find out about production, distribution, marketing and exhibition (exchange) in the film industry.

Above are the images of the work I completed, to summarise what I found;
During pre-production of a film, the idea is developed and preparations for filming are made. The film itself is shot during production and is edited during post-production.
The distribution of a film is the process in which a film is made viewable to the audience, for example, by being released into a cinema.
Marketing of films are ways in which the film is promoted in order to gain a larger audience and a greater awareness of the film, this is to ensure that the film makes money.
The final process is exhibition, these are the ways in which the film is broadcasted (including DVD, TV and the use of internet).

I also looked into the making of 'Batman Begins' as a way of understanding the processes more clearly. The information that I found is shown above.

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