Monday 22 October 2012

Creating an Ad campaign - Twitter

Twitter is a social networking site that has over 517 million active users worldwide, the majority of its users are aged 18-25 years. This is extremely important for advertising our swede as this is the age group that we aimed to reach.

I used twitter to post our pictures we use for our marketing, I also posted links to our other social networking site as well as the interview and final swede.

The Twitter account gained 6+ followers in a few weeks which may have helped to gain views for the video itself, which was posted on Youtube, this makes it clear that social networking is a vital aspect in ad campaigns as they help to reach a wider audience and raise awareness of the movie quickly.

On the left is an example of the pictures that I tweeted on our swede's Twitter account, it is a poster used as part of our ad campaign. Many twitter accounts of movies post behind the scene pictures and the posters too.

These are some of the tweets from our Twitter account, I used them to build anticipation for those following the account.

This is an how the Twitter account appears to anyone who views the page, I added an icon and background image to make the page more aesthetically pleasing.

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