Tuesday 23 October 2012

Our final Swede

This is our final swede which we also uploaded to YouTube so that it was viewable to our target audience. We posted links to the Youtube page on our Twitter and Facebook accounts which helped to raise the amount of views we recieved, so far the swede has over 115 views and 2 'likes'.

Planning/making our swede.

To plan our swede, we discussed as a group which films we all knew of and could use. We came to the agreement on 'Scream'. We then watched clips from the film and decided that we thought the opening scene would work best. We then watched the clip again and focused on the dialogue so we could ensure that we included all the main lines between ghost face and Casey Becker.

For props we agreed that the popcorn would be an imortant part and would help to set the scene. We brought this ourselfs and used a cardboard box as a frying pan. We made the scream mask ourself with paper and maker pens using images from google as a guideline of how it should look. We also drew a paper knife. For ghost face's custome, we used plastic bin liners and added wholes for Dionne's arms. Finally we used our own mobile phones for the converstation between Dionne and Layla.

Our actors for the swede were Layla and Dionne and me and Yasser were the directors, Yasser also was the voice of ghost face. We came to this agreement as we thought that Layla could fulfil the stereotypical role of a blonde and Dionne was happy to be ghost face, although there was some difficulty while running with the mask on so we had to be aware of health and safety issues.

Fortunately, we had the opportunity to use the lower ground kitchen in college for our swede, this was perfect as the opening scene to Scream was in the kitchen of a house. We used the corridors for the running scene and had to inform the nearby teachers that Layla would be screaming, this ensured we did not disrupt their classes.

We had to be aware of the fact that we only had one lesson to complete the filming, we worked well as a team as we managed to get all the shots we needed. Although our timekeeping skills were good, we could have added a few more shots at the end of the scene if we had more time.

Creating an Ad campaign - Interview

This is a video we made using the flip cam to help with marketing our swede. We researched questions that were asked on Youtube interviews and then created a rough script using questions we thought were appropriate for our swede. This short interview was posted on Facebook and Twitter to help to promote our swede.

Editing our Swede.

Above is a screen grab of editing our swede using Final Cut Pro, we had to chose between a variety of shots to find the best ones and then join the different cuts together, we also had to add music from Youtube during editing. You can also add effects during the editing process, however, we chose not to add effects (this is shown in the second image). The final image shows how the different shots were edited to form a seamless sequence, we done this by using match cuts.

Monday 22 October 2012

Creating an Ad campaign - Twitter

Twitter is a social networking site that has over 517 million active users worldwide, the majority of its users are aged 18-25 years. This is extremely important for advertising our swede as this is the age group that we aimed to reach.

I used twitter to post our pictures we use for our marketing, I also posted links to our other social networking site as well as the interview and final swede.

The Twitter account gained 6+ followers in a few weeks which may have helped to gain views for the video itself, which was posted on Youtube, this makes it clear that social networking is a vital aspect in ad campaigns as they help to reach a wider audience and raise awareness of the movie quickly.

On the left is an example of the pictures that I tweeted on our swede's Twitter account, it is a poster used as part of our ad campaign. Many twitter accounts of movies post behind the scene pictures and the posters too.

These are some of the tweets from our Twitter account, I used them to build anticipation for those following the account.

This is an how the Twitter account appears to anyone who views the page, I added an icon and background image to make the page more aesthetically pleasing.

Creating an Ad campaign - Poster

Here is a poster I made using Photoshop as part of our ad campaign for our swede. I used inspiration from the original film poster which includes a similar layout and image. The font used it also the same as the fonts from the sequels of Scream.


This is the presentation we have shown to the class about our swede.

Ad Campaign (poster)

This is the poster i made 
for the ad campaign.
i looked at original 
poster campaigns
to get an idea of how
it should look. 

Researching Swedes

 The Dark Knight Spoof Sweded

This is a swede for the Warner Bro's movie 'The Dark Knight'. This helped me to understand the concept of a swede and gave me ideas of what we could use in our own swede. I liked the use of props in this swede and the customes were extremely realistic.The use of sound also showed that it can be used to build tension and would be useful to add to our sweded during editing. This swede also used a variety of shot types which reminded me that we have to vary our camera angles. I liked the fact that this swede included all of the important scenes from the film, however, in our group's swede we eventually decided to use just the opening scene rather than a variety of clips.

Mean Girls Sweded

This is a swede of the movie 'Mean Girl's'. I thought that the swede seemed to drag on for a long period of time which meant it became a little boring at times. This made me think that in our own swede we had to make sure that the audience would remain engaged in it. However, I liked the use of accents in the swede, this gave me the idea that if necassary we could use accents in our swede; we did this for the character of 'scream'.

Researching Swedes

Dark Knight Swede

When researching swedes I looked at this swede of the Dark Knight. I thought it was really creative and I liked the background music that they used/made. They do a very good job at showcasing the main events of the movie in just under 3 minutes. I thought it was very humorous in places and quite light hearted, that's why I enjoyed this swede.
click this link to watch the first swede i watched for my research
-This is the first swede i watched to get a rough idea of what a swede is overall, and how you are meant to preform a swede. From this i fount out that it is very cheap and home made looking.

click this link to watch the second swede i watched for my research
  -I looked at this swede after our group decided to make a swede on "scream" to get a few ideas on what to do. From this i got the idea to have very easy props in my swede and make it as easy as it can be.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Production Distrubution Marketing and Exhibiton 
1. Financing - this is the first stage where the directors find investors for the movie and sorts out budget      forcasting

2.Pre production - This is where the planning, scripting and story boarding happens also this is where the cast is hired, props for the shoot are made, the sets are made and location for the movie is selected. 

3.Production- is simply where the raw elements for the film are recorded/shoot, the crew for the set are also recuited at this stage.

4. Post production- this is where the recordings are edited to high standards 
  • music tracks are composed,preformed or recorded
  • sound effects are designed and recorded and other visual graphics added
  • all sound elements are mixed into "stems" then the stems are mixed then married to the picture.
  • the film is fully completed (locked)
  • and then finally realised into the cinema
Distrubution of a film is the process through which a movie is made available to watch for an audience.
This can be done in many differnt ways. E.g-
-Theatrical release
-home entertainment e.g- dvd and blu ray
  • Once the movie is completed it is sent to the studio
  • the distrubution company and studio makes a licencing agreement
  • the distrubution company determains how many copys of the movie to make
  • the distrubution company shows the movie to pospective buyers
  • the buyers negotiate with the distrubution company on which movies they wish to lease and the terms of the lease agreement 
  • the prints of the movie are sent to the theaters a few days before the opening day
  • the theater shows the movie for a specific number of weeks 
  • you buy a ticket
  • at the end of the agreement the theater sends back the print back to the distrubution company and makes a payment on the lease agreement.
there are many differnt types of marketing for movies.
  • trailers before movie starts for roughly 2 minuets
  • film posters
  • standees- life size images of figures in the film
  • 3D displays
  • Adverts on cabel tv
  • talk shows
  • showing interviews with the film stars
  • advertisments in newspapers and magazines
  • comic specials-special episodes
  • A product with the film
  • promotional give aways -cups/toys
The way aduiences get to directly watch movies.
Online- Lovefilm/netflix

Monday 8 October 2012

Production, Distribution and Exhibition - Emma Tovey

We had to find out about production, distribution, marketing and exhibition (exchange) in the film industry.

Above are the images of the work I completed, to summarise what I found;
During pre-production of a film, the idea is developed and preparations for filming are made. The film itself is shot during production and is edited during post-production.
The distribution of a film is the process in which a film is made viewable to the audience, for example, by being released into a cinema.
Marketing of films are ways in which the film is promoted in order to gain a larger audience and a greater awareness of the film, this is to ensure that the film makes money.
The final process is exhibition, these are the ways in which the film is broadcasted (including DVD, TV and the use of internet).

I also looked into the making of 'Batman Begins' as a way of understanding the processes more clearly. The information that I found is shown above.

Blog on Production, Distribution and Exhibition - Yasser Abubeker